Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Playing with the dinosaurs!

The other day Aaron had taken the kids with him to Milwaukee to help out his brother. A was reading a dinosaur book to M when M commented that dinosaurs seemed "kinda mean" and had asked him if they were all gone now. "Am I safe Daddy?" M asked. Aaron replied that yes, dinosaurs were extinct and she had nothing to worry about...she was safe! To which she asked, "Well then what did you do about the dinosaurs when you were younger, Daddy?" Oh, out of the mouths of babes! Love it!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm Tired!

I didn't know what else to title this post. But "I'm Tired" pretty much sums up my life right now. I have been working extra hours at work. Not just a few here and there but 70 hours in a week! I can't handle that. I give credit to full time moms. I am not cut out to work that much and be a mom and wife and keep a clean house, oh and cook! I just can't do it. My house is a mess, I can't remember the last time we ate a nice home cooked meal( not spaghetti, sloppy joes or other "easy" foods...) and I'll say it again, I'm tired!

I am looking forward to this weekend! 3 whole days off with my kids...very sad that Aaron will be working though:( I plan on going to Octoberfest and playing with the kids all weekend. I want life to return to it's normal craziness without all the added extra work hours. The NICU has been awfully busy so we are required to work extra mandatory hours. I'll admit it: I don't want to work the extra hours. There is a reason I work part-time. But for safety reasons for the babies we have to do what we can! I really do love my job:)

Okay...enough complaining from me. Hopefully I will return soon with a more substantial post and maybe a few pictures!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dinner Conversation

The kids and I had an interesting conversation at dinner this evening. Aaron was at work so it was just the kids and I. I am not sure how we got on the subject, but they were telling me what they want to be when they grow up. Alex wants to be a professional wrestler...he is obsessed with wrestling even though he is not allowed to watch it. He will be starting wrestling this winter at school. He plans on having 4 children. The first 2 will be twin boys, Micheal and Jack. The next child will be a girl, Heather, named after me (awww...). The last child will be a boy named Jeff. He just isn't sure who is wife will be though...lol!

Makenna will be busy when she grows up! She plans on being a "kid" doctor, ballerina, painter and a princess! She will have 10 kids, 8 girls and 2 boys. 5 of the girls will be named Heather and the other 3 will be named Elise...they are all twins. The boys are also twins and their names will be Heather as well. That will be one confusing household...

I just love listening to my kids talk and tell stories. Their imaginations are incredible! Was I that imaginative when I was that age? I love how their little minds work. I love having actual conversations with them. It is just fun! As much fun as it was to hear all about their "future", I am still glad we are in the present. I am in no hurry for them to grow up. I am trying to savor every precious moment I can! Time has already gone by too fast!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Getting Started

With everyone these days having a blog, I have decided to jump on the bandwagon! I have been wanting to start one of these for awhile now, but my lack of writing skills and creativity have curtailed that. However, I have decided to just do it already and here I am....blogging. Now what? Stayed tuned for more happenings from the Menting Household!